
Our Story

In 2012, E.B. looked over at Daniel and said, “I should write a book.” And he said, “Go for it!” Fast forward a few years to 2016, and E.B. was still writing and working to finish “Alliance” until disaster struck our family. Our little boy, Gideon, was born sleeping two days before Christmas. Daniel tried to cope with our loss by searching for others who had gone through the loss of a child, yet the more he looked, the more he realized there just wasn’t anything out there focusing on fathers going through such soul-wrenching grief.

Then and there, he decided to write a book for his fellow fathers going through this experience. He approached numerous publishers (more than 60), and most of them said the same thing, “This is a maternal issue, so this book will never sell.” Needless to say, this was offensive, and obviously untrue. At that point we decided we would do it ourselves.

Since publishing isn’t free, Daniel walked through fire (literally!) to make our dreams a reality. His work in disaster response took him to California to some of the most destructive and devastating wildfires in history while E.B. stayed home with our boys worrying, and hoping he could come home safe.

Paradise, CA 2018 “Camp Fire”

Meanwhile, E.B. was still writing Alliance, and finished in 2019 because of the amazing team we were able to add to the Bridenstine Books, LLC family.

Our company focuses on wholesome entertainment. We decide what is included in our books without sacrificing our values as a family.

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